An Earl Grey cider with Brickers Cidery in West Sechelt?...uhmm..yes! In late 2018 Nick Farrer, founder and operations manager asked if we would be interested in collaborating on a tea infused cider. Definitely! Collaborating with local businesses and makers is the most fun and often yields the best results. The first batch was bottled in March 2019 and sold out quickly.
It was so exciting to see our logo on the beautifully designed label from Charm & Gusto and to be included in the process of making cider. Russell and Nick included me in as much of the process as possible - including tastings, bottling, boxing and tasting some more!
Many of our Earl Grey loving customers scrambled to find a bottle and were impressed with the results! It was even more exciting to hear that it was one of the most popular and fast selling ciders and they planned to do more in the future.
So in early 2020 when they were ready to infuse another batch of cider with our vanilla earl grey estate Assam and earl grey classic teas we were ready to roll! This time it was going to be a double batch and the label would be revised. They even sent me some mock ups and asked for input...listened and included some of my suggestions. Not surprising being the true collaborators they are!
I'm not the most patient person so you can imagine how hard it was to wait for the release of this new label, double batch Earl Grey Cider. I shared this teaser image of the Brickers Bear drinking tea on social media and secretly celebrated the beautiful new label from Charm & Gusto genius and let everyone know that there was a new batch brewing. Then out of the blue came the pandemic........everything closed, everything was up in the air, everyone wondered, everyone adjusted and waited safely in their homes hunkered down wanting, needing, hoping. Apparently wanting cider and tea! Despite the lack of sales channels and customers the Brickers crew shifted to online and local delivery....and people got their cider...me included as Russell pulled up to do a doorstep delivery! Much appreciated and needed.
If you were lucky enough to get some your lucky enough! I hoarded my cases and shared with family, friends, clients and neighbours. Completely in love and enjoying the dry, clean, crisp richness of the Earl Grey Cider and of course it's new beautiful tea themed label.
Enjoyed and gone...sadly. But not for long as there is another batch infusing as I write this and this time it's going to be on a regular rotation along with the Brickers other core line up! So freakin' excited and proud of this amazing collaboration with the Brickers. If you haven't tried it your in for a treat...now that you'll be able to get your hands on it and even share some....or not! If your local or visiting the Sunshine Coast drop by the Brickers Cider Company 5 acre farm and tasting room in West Sechelt, BC 6642 Norwest Bay Rd. or order online at brickerscider.com. Tasting room is open from 12-7pm daily and now offers food from El Segundo Restaurant, off-sales and opportunity to enjoy a social distancing outdoor experience as a family. Hope to see you there!