There have been so many extremes lately and the most recent have forced us to make some changes to our Free Shipping rates. Sadly we have seen cost increases in all aspects of our business due to weather, floods, fire, global pandemic, fuel shortages, labour shortage, supply shortages, etc. Everyone has been hearing about these and most of us are facing the fallout in some way. At DBT Co. we avoided making any short term changes thinking and hoping that things would right themselves and get back to "normal". Sadly that hasn't happened and we are now making some small adjustments so that we can continue to offer our teas across Canada as affordably as possible.
So we made some minor changes to our Free Shipping options after over 2+ years. We continue to offer our $10 BC Flat Rate shipping to BC with no minimum as well as the FREE Shipping on orders over $75 to BC, AB, SASK and MB. We are now offering FREE Shipping on orders over $100 to the rest of Canada which formerly was included in the over $75 offer. Canada Post increased their rates in Jan 2021 and have added fuel charges which make it no longer an option to include some locations in our previous offerings.
Hope you will continue to purchase from wherever you live! In case you didn't know we have added 250g sizes to most of our popular blends which makes it much easier to hit those free shipping levels.